Welcome to Catford Coding Club Course Resource
You can find additional resources to help you with the lessons we've covered, explanations of core computing concepts and a few fun facts. You'll also find links to the courses provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, which you can recap or work through in your own time.
Cheat sheets give a run down of the main ideas encountered in each lesson. There's a lot to cover in the class, and there's not always time to explain the reason the code is the way it is. The cheat sheet will list that week's concepts, fill in the theory, and help you remember if there's anything you want to ask about at the next Coding Club.
What's new?
Install Python!
We've been doing some great work using Python in the classes, but how do you carry that on when you get home? Here's a quick guide to setting it up on your own PC.
Build Your Own Platform Game
It's not exactly bedtime reading, but here's the full code for the Python platform game, because there are 12 of you vs 1 projector, and you all type at different speeds. Who knew?!
HTML and CSS Week 6
It's glassmorphism time! Use what you've learnt to employ some new styles and make cool glass effect.
HTML and CSS Week 5
Fancy fonts for fun and frivolity.
HTML and CSS Week 4
Filtered images are a different class.
HTML and CSS Week 3
Don't be a div. But do use them.
HTML and CSS Week 2
More tags. More styles.
Scratch Module 2, Week 6 - Create Your Own World
Build a top down, multi-room maze, the starting point of every dungeon-crawler clone ever.
Scratch Module 2, Week 5 - Clonewars
Classic space shooter - fun to make, and even funner to play.
Scratch Module 2, Week 4 - Catch The Dots
An easy game to get up and running, with lots of scope for enhancements.
Scratch Module 2, Week 3 - Brain Game
A great little maths quiz. It's fun! No, really!
Python Week 5 Cheat Sheet
Use what you've learnt to make an actual, actual game
Computer Colours
A simple primer on computer colours - how they work and how to spec them.
Python Week 4 Cheat Sheet
Make a face with your programmatic drawing skillz